This App, cloud based, allows the employees of the companies to check in and check out at their workplace using any type of intelligent device by means of “Just Show Up” technology, which is the combination of facial recognition + face liveness detection.Through pre-loaded check points, the App verifies the geolocation or the detection of a coded signal via a bluetooth beacon to determine if the employee is in the authorized work center, allowing the employees to register with a simple selfie the check in or check out time.FEATURES• Replaces the use of Timeclock Terminals (Proximity, Biometric, etc.)• Can be use indistinctly by employees and workers• The employees will no longer need to carry cards, likewise, the costs and risks associated with credentials that can be lost, stolen or duplicated without authorization is also eliminated• Allows the configuration of multiple check points using face recognition authentication with face liveness detection, the precise point can be configured with geolocation and / or beacon of bluetooth• Allows the creation of routes with multiple checkpoints• Using the App, a Manager or Supervisor can enroll the collaborators who will use thistechnology, simply enter the employee number and take a photo• Through a "selfie" taken by the employee, the App analyzes that it is the right employee and allow the registration of the check in or check out time• It also controls the check out and check in time related with food breaks• The use of "Face Liveness Detection" technology analyzes that the "selfie" comes from a living being, eliminating time fraud by making it virtually impossible to use photographs• The check in and check out times are updated immediately in the database to later execute the analysis related with Time & Attendance• The use of the App eliminates the information recovery process from the terminal• Through the use of SOA services, Human eTime can be integrated very easily with any Time & Attendance application of the market.